*** To settle the lack of snow this Year, (NØ) has a solution to let your New Year’s Eve slip in a wintermood… DIY 3D Snowflakes, to offer your friends lacking the snow or to be used to “cool down” your New Year’s Eve decor table!!
To make the paper snowflakes, you need :
– Some nice paper (do not to use thick or heavy paper as it may be difficult to fold and cut), colour drawing papers, iridescent paper, gray tracing paper, standard white paper… Up to you !
– 1 ruler.
– 1 pen.
– 1 awl.
– 1 bone folder.
– 1 cutter.
– Thread of your choice…
– 1 large sewing needle.
– Few beads… Silver, black&white, golden, just matching your paper colour…
– Some glue.
– A touch of fantasy and some imagination to create your shapes.
Let’s go ! That’s fairly easy !
1. Cut a 2×5-inch piece of paper (i.e. 5x12cm) for the small snowflakes, 3×6-inch (i.e 7x14cm) for larger snowflakes (or just any size you feel would work for you). Mark horizontal lines using your awl every two inches.
2. Define the fold with your bone folder and fold your paper in accordion.
3. Once your paper is properly folded, draw a pattern with a pencil, make sure you keep your pattern simple enough as you will need to cut it off with your cutter. Having complex shapes will make it difficult to cut and might lead to tearing up your paper.
4. Cut off along the traced lines.
5. Make a hole in the middle of your accordion paper using your awl, and thread through it (once right, once left) to hang up your snowflake (take a look at the picture above). Add few beads…
6. Open your accordion paper and glue the two extremities so that it stays open.
That’s it !
You can offer your snowflakes or hang them up on the window to create a soft winter atmosphere :
You could also use them as a festive decoration for a pretty New-Year’s Eve table :
(NØ) wishes you a lovely New-Year’s Eve under the (virtual and creative) snowflakes !