Long live the kings… Long live the queens… Oops… No-t (enough) crown(-s) within reach ? Come over here, (NØ) is building some (tiny) little crowns with a sprout of paper, a slice of twine, coloured sticky labels and a piece of (glitter) sun… Not so much for making younger, older and the clementines (read till the end and you will understand) alike happy !
To transform paper into crown, you will need :
– Some pretty paper, one rectangle for each crown you want to create, 4 inches x 6 inches is enough (9,5 x 16,5 cm).
– The crown template to be downloaded here.
– 1 ruler.
– 1 pencil.
– 1 cutter or thin scissors.
– 1 awl.
– Double-sided tape or paper glue.
– 1 tapestry needle.
– A little bit of wool or shiny twine or elastic thread.
– Coloured sticky labels and masking-tape for decoration…
– AND… A touch a fantasy of course !
That’s easy, have a look :
1. Download and print the crown template. Trace the pattern on the back of the paper. Carefully cut out the peaks using a cutter or thin scissors.
Using the awl, punch a hole on the marks to thread through your twine or elastic thread.
2. Stick the double-sided tape at one end of the crown. Roll. Remove the protective foil. Stick both ends together.
If you choose the paper glue, apply some glue at one end of the paper, on a 0.2 inch line (0,5cm) Roll. (Maintain both ends of the crown using a paper clip and wait for the glue to dry).
3. Thread the needle with the twine or elastic thread and tie a knot on one end. Thread the twine on the first hole then on the second one. Tie another knot to make the right length.
Add embellishment using coloured label stickers or masking tape, or both. That’s it!
A sneak preview of the upcoming cruise-collections, honestly a lot more funny than the traditional fashion ones… Here is (NØ)‘s golden crown collection :
And look at (NØ)‘s clementines who look so happy :
What about you, how do you “wear” your crown ?