The pretty Christmas tree is a bit tired, the little crib’s figures are back in the storage boxes and the presents are not anymore in the front of the warming fireplace… Christmas is over… January is always a bit sad for (NØ)… So to get up again, here is a deco-DIY to get happiness back…
Opening big boxes which contain slightly smaller boxes, which also hold other little boxes, including tiny ones, and many surprises… This is how (NØ) while doing some cleaning in vain found out those three treasures coming from another time.. A knitting book with a non classical cover… A wooden case to store
After some very loooong working weeks, (NØ) is finally on holidays… She is ready for some fun… Nothing better than friends for a few laughing moments ! And there you go, she decides to create some fun-companions made of paper ! A string of Harlequins inspired by vintage Jumping Jacks, a DIY for (young) kids too ! TO make…
(NØ) loves to tell stories, you know it… With images, words, drawings but also in music… And humming with… Thumbs… Hmm… What a whimsical idea ! But, yes, you can do it using this little music instrument that you can almost carry in the pocket ! This “thumb piano” can be called by different names depending on where you…
(NØ) would have loved to be underwater archeologist… But since her daily job does not require her to wear a wetsuit, she fancy going for some treasure hunting while exploring her closet, looking for some buried treasure, not in the sand but behind pile of lavender linen … And here is what (NØ) has recently resurfaced… Come on board…
When (NØ) heads off on an adventure, she loves to keep aside some charming souvenirs, a “near-great” photo, a carousel token, writen or drawn first-impression or a nice candy wrapper, all in a pretty notebook she can open later on for a travel by thought… Despite the cloudy weather, the “sunny” days
Hum Hum Hum… Mother’s day is coming, soooon… An idea… What do to ? With three little silver tubes, a piece of chain and a few black pearls, (NØ) restyles the famous noodle-necklace she used to tinker as a child and concocts now a simple “in no time” graphic necklace !! To make the necklace, you will…
Well, so (NØ) has a looooot to do !! Nevertheless, her imagination runs wild and is producing some funny little ideas that she is eager to share with you before they go away… Such as turning tiny stones into cactus… Yes, yes, sort of “stone-tus”… A sweet and funny DIY, if like (NØ), you don’t really have green fingers… Come…
Ouhlalalalala………….. (NØ) has (slightly) neglected the blog lately, because she had to “leave” but she did not forget you and kept you in her mind ! Today she gives you some pictures of a walk in Nantes… Follow (NØ) on the battlements of the “Château des Ducs de Bretagne” ! Oh, a castle can be such a beauty…
Let the sun shine… Let the sun shine !! Spring is here, (NØ) is so excited that she starts again to jump around in the living room (she is not allowed to jump on the bed…), to dance in the kitchen (tomato sauce can stain but that’s ok…) and sing at the top of her voice all the time (neighbors are…